
     We all know that reading a book is beautiful, but just as a dream.
reading a book is something we all are lazy about it, now with corona pandemic, we have no excuses, but, still a lot of us lost the track of book's smell.
    now, countries like Finland and other lands where people's per capita study is so much, we are talking about normal countries! here, in my country, no one has the time to read, harsh economy, and full time jobs is a great excuse for us to slip away from " leaving the reading scene!".
    here, only those who are bookworm, will read a few books, so many people tried to change it, make people to read, but ,  social problems and mostly, harsh economy in many lands ( like Iran, I mean), is a reason that fled the people away from book.
    books are the oldest way of people to tell a story ( aside of sketching on caves wall ).
books are a great way, just like games, to provide you a variety of words and Grammar helps, information about the story ( like about WWII), but there is an unknown riddle, that movies and games are more popular than books now days, but why? is it because of the type of content? does the book- typed content has lost its glory? or maybe it is us? who changed during the ages?
    answer to the said questions are very simple: we changed; the content, also is important for its popularity.
    books are reading type of content, as time passes, that treat of laziness grows bigger and bigger in ourselves, we, the 7 billion people who live in earth, we are lazy, ladies and gentlemen!
we are lazy! we are that tired to read a 100 page book ( and yet we have a book that is over 1000 pages by the name { Kalidar}), we are now drove to video typed content like those in Youtube, or voice- typed content, and a few percent of us are still roaming in blogs and yet, many writers tried to bring back the audience, by making books online, such as Ebooks, and All stuff, but still, a lot of us are talking about harry potter, of course because we love it, but also because we only read those! 
    books, games, movies, they are all the same content, in different type and shape, now days, games are more around stories than gameplay, movies and series we have that their screenplay is adopted from books, and yet, our thirst to movies and games, but avoiding from reading books, can clearly tells us that we, the modern human are drawn to video and voice typed contents, because of ease of listening and watching.
    we all know that many of writers who still want the book to be the leader of entertainment, or at least want it to step up and be in the scene of entertainment, are trying hard to keep up the old and friendly book with modern ways, such as now we have Electronic books.
I believe at something: the content is important, the shape is not.
    we feel the content, that's it, the creator won, now that maybe is a podcast, maybe a note, a book, a game, a movie, a music, and and and...
    I hope you enjoyed my article, I hope you learn many things from contents we have in every scene in this world, educational, entertainment-type, everything that you want, and I hope that we all grant this planet and its people glory and ease for the rest of their life.
                                            Be safe now, and have fun!
